User activities and events
User activity management is at the core of audience management services.
A user activity is a collection of events done by a single user in a given period of time. For instance, mediarithmics considers that a website activity is a session of no more than 30mn on a given website. An user activity is also linked to its referrer (like Google, Yahoo!, ...), if an user switch of referrer an go back to the same website, it will be considered like a new activity. Events can be given any name and any properties, but some predefined names and properties can be used to trigger specific treatment on the data.
You send user events to mediarithmics, that are aggregated and encapsulated into user activities. Some user activities only have one user event, but some can have multiple events.
To visualize user activities for a specific user, go to the navigator > Audience > Monitoring and select a user id.
You can then view the complete JSON for each activity.
User activities and events can be indexed and queried using APIs and/or the query engine, if their properties fit the object tree schema.
When an activity is ingested via the real time tracking pipeline, it will trigger some dedicated processes like event rules, activity analyzers, ...
User Activity object
A minimal user activity is an object with the following properties.
The timestamp of the activity. For a session, it should correspond to the start date (Unix Epoch Time in milliseconds)
String enum
when a scenario starts
when a scenario stops
when a new scenario node is entered
when a scenario node is exited
String enum
The sessions status, automatically updated by mediarithmics. NO_SESSION
The Time To Live in minutes for the storage of this activity. 0
means no expiration
(in addition to $compartment_id
(in addition to
Email Hash Object
The activity origin
The activity location
A list of user events attached to this activity
The unique_key of the activity formatted as an uuid-v1. If empty, the platform generates one automatically
[any custom property]
The value of a custom property
User activities could be enriched with any custom property, and specific activity types can have additional base properties.
Base properties names all begin with '$'. That's a good way to differentiate base properties and your custom properties if you don't start your property names with that same character.
Always prefer predefined properties to custom properties when they exist, as the platform automates a lot of actions based on those properties. You could miss some critical steps in having well organized data.
Activities are limited to 8000 characters.
For user identification you can : - either use $user_identifiers; - or use $user_agent_id, $user_account_id, $compartment_id, and $email_hash
Site visits user activities
Their type is SITE_VISIT. They have those additional base properties :
The site ID (channel)
The session duration in seconds.
App visits user activities
Their type is APP_VISIT. They have those additional base properties :
The mobile app ID (channel)
Integer (Optional)
The session duration in seconds.
If you have multiple sites and/or apps, you can create a channel for each one of them. Each channel will have an ID, representing either a site ID or an app ID.
When you attach site IDs or app IDs to your user activities, you link them to the corresponding channel.
This is useful for attaching data privacy rules to a site or an app, or when you'll want to create queries and segments, allowing you to select only users having activities on a specific site or app.
User Identifier
A user identifier is either a user account, a user email, or a user agent.
User Account
Constant String
The ID of the compartment associated with this activity
The user account id of the user
User Email
Constant String
The email hash
String (Optional)
The "raw" email
User Agent
Constant String
The user agent id
Currently support agent type :
- vector id : vec:vector_id
; e.g.: vec:89090939434
Activity Location
String (Optional)
The location source (IP
String (Optional)
The country’s name
String (Optional)
The region’s name
String (Optional)
The region iso (ISO 3166-2)
String (Optional)
The city’s name
String (Optional)
The city iso (UN/LOCODE)
String (Optional)
The zip code
Array[Double, Double]
The latitude and longitude where the first element is the latitude and the second the longitude
Activity Origin
In the mediarithmics vocabulary, the activity origin refers to the last digital channel leading to user interaction. It is key information to be used to analyze the results and the performance of marketing activities.
This interaction can be a Touch (the user views a banner or an email) or a Visit (the user visits a web site or an app). In both cases, the $origin object of the user activity is used to capture the information related to the originating channel.
The $origin object is a customizable object with predefined properties as follows:
origin field
the communication channel. ex: cpc, newsletter, banner, video, ...
the source of the traffic. ex:,, ...
the campaign name
the campaign technical name
the campaign id
the sub campaign (Ad Group) technical name
the sub campaign (Ad Group) id
the keywords used in the search ex:sport+shoes
the creative name
the creative technical name
the creative id
the social network
the URL of the referral
the custom unique identifier for the activity origin
the unique identifier for a Google AdWords click
Origin calculation
The origin of user activity is calculated in different ways depending on the activity type (Touch/Visit) and source (Tag/API):
for a visit on a site or an app: from the analysis of the referrer and/or the query parameters provided in the destination URL (like the UTM parameters used by Google Analytics)
for touch events generated by campaigns delivered by the mediarithmics platform, the origin is automatically calculated from campaign information
for touch events (pixel events in emails or banners) the origin is calculated from the properties provided in the event (predefined properties)
for an activity inserted through the API, the origin fields can be directly filled with the relevant data.
A user activity can only have one origin. If a user comes back from a different origin in a live session. The current session is closed and a new session is opened with the second origin.
Origin detection based on Google Analytics parameters (UTM)
Here is the table of correspondence between mediarithmics origin fields and Google Analytics parameters:
origin field
url parameters
example / description
utm_medium = email or $channel = email
utm_source = base loyalty program
utm_campaign = back to school
utm_content = template 1
utm_term = sport+shoes or $keywords = sport+shoes
Google Click Identifier
Origin detection based on AT Internet parameter (xtor)
Here is the table of correspondence between mediarithmics origin fields and AT Internet parameter:The structure of the xtor parameter is as follows:
The xtor parameter is automatically analyzed to fill the following origin fields:
origin field
xtor field
example / description
EPR when xtor=EPR-14234
7880 when xtor=AD-7880
Marketing Channel inference
According to AT Internet documentation about xtor parameter, source may be related to marketing channel.Here is the table of correspondance between AT Internet source and mediarithmics channel origin field
Origin declaration with predefined event properties
When the user event is declared through a tag it is possible to add predefined event properties to declare an activity origin.
Here is the list of the predefined properties :
origin field
predefined event properties
example / description
$campaign_name=back to school
$scatn=STRATEGY-1, the sub campaign technical name is equivalent to the ad group technical name
$scaid=8782, sub campaign id is equivalent to the ad group id
$keywords = sport+shoes
$social network
$referral path
unique custom identifier
Google Click Identifier
Activity unique key
In mediarithmics, each unique activity is stored with 4 different accesses in this order:
Datamart_id, user_point_id, ts and unique_key.
It means that when those 4 parameters are identical between 2 activities, the new one cancels and replaces the old one. If one of the parameter differs then a new activity is created.
Unique key calculation
This unique key is an uuid format. It can be calculated by the platform or the user itself.
The best practice is to used uuid-v1 when generated by the user as it’s not a random value but calculated on the timestamp and a unique String.
mediarithmics tag through user-event-front: the unique_key is generated by the platform.
mediarithmics apis through datamart-front: the unique_key can be calculated by the user. If empty, it’s generated by the platform.
mediartihmics document import: the unique_key can be calculated by the user. If empty, it’s generated by the platform.
When generated manually, the user has to select a key property (such as an order_id, a unique id generated on client size) or properties concatenation in order for the String to be unique.
The uuid-v1 also need a timestamp to be generated and it's highly recommended to select the activity's one.
See additional documentation
User Events object
A User Event is an object composed of an event name and a list of properties. Each property is composed of a name and a value.
Predefined event names
Using some predefined event names will allow you to have useful adapted automatic processing on some of your events.
event name
The user has viewed a page.
Events with this event name only serve in session aggregation to have correct information on the user activity. They will be dropped when the session closes, and you won't see them on the platform anymore. If you wish to keep a record of the pages a user viewed in your site and create queries based on that data, you should name your event differently. You can also use the $item_view
event name if your pages show products.
The user has viewed the home page
The user has viewed an item
The user has viewed a list of items
The user has viewed the basket
The user has completed a transaction
The user has completed a conversion. This event is either registered by the integrator or automatically craeted by the platform when a goal is met.
The user has installed a mobile app
The user has updated a mobile app
The user has opened an app or resumed it
The user has been exposed to a display add
The user has clicked on an app
The user has opened an email
The user has opened a link in an email
Always prefer predefined event names to custom events when they exist, as the platform automates a lot of actions based on those names. You could miss some critical steps in having well organized data.
Predefined event properties
Using some predefined event properties will allow you to have useful adapted automatic processing on some of your events.
property name
Each item has the $id
, $ean
, $qty
, $price
, $brand
, $name
, $category1
, $category2
, $category3
and $category4
predefined properties.
Technical name of a creative associated to the event
Always prefer predefined event properties to custom event properties when they exist, as the platform automates a lot of actions based on those names. You could miss some critical steps in having well organized data.
User Activity JSON schema and TypeScript interfaces
Below is the JSON schema for a single activity, according to the rules enacted in this documentation.
Last updated
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