For a quick start on how to upload a dashboard, see Quickstart.
The data source declaration is :
"type": "data_file",
// URI of the JSON data file containing data
// Format "mics://data_file/tenants/1426/dashboard-1.json"
"uri": String,
// Path of the property in the JSON that should be used as dataset
// This allows you to have multiple datasets in the same JSON file
// Should use the JSONPath syntax. See
// For example, "$[0].components[1]"
"JSON_path": String,
// Optional. Title of the series for tooltips and legends
"series_title": String
Here is an example with the JSON file we used previously
You can use a {SEGMENT_ID} token in uri and/or JSON_path properties. It will be replaced by the current segment if the dashboard is loaded on a segment's page. If the dashboard is loaded at any other scope, the token will not be replaced.