Collection volumes

This page shows you how to get started using the collection volumes mediarithmics API to query the number of elements indexed in mediarithmics.

For each datamart collection, you can get the number of elements which were indexed at a given time.

This API is a mediarithmics Data cube and works similarly as Activities analytics queries API.



Request Body

    "status": "ok",
    "data": {
        "report_view": {
            "items_per_page": 100,
            "total_items": 7,
            "columns_headers": [
            "rows": [

Here is a sample report request body payload with all the important properties:

    // Retrieve the data in the specified date range
    // Mandatory
    // Tip : you can use relative date formats such as "now-7d/d"
    "date_ranges": [
            "start_date": "2021-10-10T00:00:00",
            "end_date": "2021-10-25T23:59:59"
    // List of dimensions to retrieve
    "dimensions": [
            "name": "date_time"
            "name": "community_id"
            "name": "collection"
    // Filters on dimensions
    "dimension_filter_clauses": {
        "operator": "AND",
        "filters": [
                "dimension_name": "community_id",
                "operator": "EXACT",
                "expressions": [
    // List of metrics to retrieve
    "metrics": [
            "expression": "count"


Collection counts are retrieved every day through OTQL queries, for each indexed collection. A collection is indexed if it is in your schema. Volumes for non indexed collections are not computed. For more information on collections indexing, see Data model.

Hereunder is a description of the queries we use to compute the volumes.

The OTQL query is automatically adapted in case the runtime schema is using the @Mirror directive.


These aggregated stats are kept for two years.

Supported dimensions and metrics

See Dimensions and metrics for the complete list of supported dimensions and metrics.

Learning more about data cubes

This endpoint is a mediarithmics Data cube. You can find documentation on how data cubes work and which are available in the specific documentation section.

Last updated